Navigating Access Challenges in Kubernetes-Based Infrastructure
Sep 19
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Google Workspace

Teleport Built and Supported

Use Google Workspace as an identity provider for Infrastructure

Google Workspace for Infrastructure Access

With Teleport you can configure Google Workspace to provide single sign on (SSO) identities to infrastructure resources protected by Teleport. When used in combination with role-based access control (RBAC), this allows Teleport administrators to define policies like:

  • Only members of the "DBA" group can access PostgreSQL databases.
  • Developers must never SSH into production servers.
  • Members of the HR group can view audit logs but not production environments.
  • Google Workspace Identities + RBAC and Audit with Teleport

    Experience unparalleled security and ease in managing RBAC and Audit with identities from Google Workspace. Protect your data like never before!
  • Seamless Integration with Existing Infrastructure

    Teleport easily integrates with your existing Google Workspace identities, making it a breeze to add an extra layer of security without major disruptions to your workflow.
  • Centralized Access Platform

    With Teleport's centralized access platform, you can effortlessly manage user permissions, monitor activity, and enforce least privilege principles for identities stored in Google Workspace.

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