Navigating Access Challenges in Kubernetes-Based Infrastructure
Sep 19
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jamf pro

Teleport Built and Supported

Secure and Simplify jamf pro RBAC and Audit with Teleport

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Teleport integrates with Jamf Pro to automatically sync your Jamf Pro computer inventory into Teleport. This integration is part of Teleport's Device Trust feature, which allows administrators to enforce the use of trusted devices for accessing protected resources.12

The integration works as follows:

  • A separate Teleport process, configured as a Jamf service, periodically reads your computer inventory from Jamf Pro and syncs it to Teleport.1
  • This process performs both incremental (partial) and full syncs, as well as removals from Teleport if a computer is removed from Jamf Pro.3. The syncing of devices from Jamf Pro is an inventory management step, equivalent to automatically running the corresponding tctl devices add commands.To set up the integration, you need to:
  • Create Jamf API credentials with the necessary permissions.2. Configure the Jamf service in your Teleport configuration file.3. Create a join token for the Jamf service.4. Start the Jamf service.Once set up, the Jamf service will sync devices from Jamf Pro to Teleport at regular intervals. You can customize the sync schedule and apply filters to control which devices are synced.This integration allows you to leverage your existing Jamf Pro inventory for Device Trust in Teleport, enhancing your security posture by ensuring that only trusted devices can access protected resources.2

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