Navigating Access Challenges in Kubernetes-Based Infrastructure
Sep 19
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Secure and Simplify Keycloak RBAC and Audit with Teleport

Experience unparalleled security and ease in managing Keycloak with Teleport.
Protect your data like never before!

Secure, streamline, and scale your infrastructure access management.

What It Does

  • Combines Teleport's infrastructure access with Keycloak's identity management
  • Implements Single Sign-On (SSO) across your infrastructure
  • Maps Keycloak groups to Teleport roles for precise access control

Key Benefits

  1. Enhanced Security: Use Keycloak's identity management with Teleport's secure access.
  2. Simplified Administration: Manage all users from a single Keycloak instance.
  3. Compliance: Meet regulatory requirements with comprehensive audit logs.
  4. Scalability: Suitable for organizations of all sizes.


  • OpenID Connect (OIDC) integration
  • Role-based access control
  • Multi-factor authentication support
  • Centralized user management

Setup Process

  1. Register Teleport as a client in Keycloak
  2. Configure OIDC connector in Teleport
  3. Enable OIDC authentication for your Teleport cluster


Teleport supports OIDC providers like Keycloak in Enterprise and Cloud editions.

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