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Prior Privacy Policy

We care about your privacy. Our privacy policy will help you understand what information is collected, how it's used, and what choices you have.

This Privacy Policy is obsolete. Our Current Privacy Policy can be found here.

Effective Date: 12/04/2019

This privacy policy applies to your use of the services made available by Gravitational, Inc. (the "Services"), including the Gravitational platform (the "Platform") and the website at (the "Site"). It applies to information we collect before, on and after the effective date indicated above. In this document, “Gravitational” or “we” refers to Gravitational, Inc., and “you” refers to you, the user or customer to whom this policy applies.

In order to offer our Services to you, we must collect certain information about you. Because we respect your privacy, we have documented our policies regarding this information here, and we will not collect or use information about you except in the ways we describe. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not access or use the Services.

1. What information we collect

We collect two types of information about you: Personally Identifiable Information and Non-personally Identifiable Information.

“Personally Identifiable Information” is information that lets us know who you are, specifically. Information in this category includes the information you use when submitting your information on our contact form or registering to use the Platform, like your name, email address, telephone number, domain name, login credentials, online identifiers, device information, billing and transaction information, credit card or other financial information, contact preferences, and similar information. Finally, this category includes information tied to your identity that you provide us through other means, such as emails to our support service and comments on our blog.

"Non-personally Identifiable Information" is information that doesn’t let us determine your identity. This generally comes from your use of the Services after registering. Non-personally Identifiable Information also includes information that could personally identify you in its original form, but that we have modified to remove or hide (for instance, by aggregation) any Personally Identifiable Information. This collection of information may occur automatically when you use the Services.

We may use web cookies, log files, web beacons or similar technologies (collectively, “Cookies”) to collect information. These are small files associated with information that your browser or our servers will save and return as part of the Services for purposes such as providing the Services, administering the site, saving your login session between visits, remembering your display preferences and tracking your use of the Site. While Cookies do not contain Personally Identifiable Information, we may associate the information they contain with Personally Identifiable Information for these and similar purposes. You may opt out of our use of cookies by configuring your browser to reject them. However, this may cause some features of the Services to work incorrectly.

We may collect your information under the direction of our customers, such as when a customer designates you as an authorized user of the Platform. In such cases, we may have no direct relationship with the individuals whose personal data we collect and use on behalf of such customers. In these situations, we safeguard and use such information in the same manner as the other information we collect and in conformance with this policy. However, in such cases, you may also need to consult the privacy statement of the customer to which you submitted your personal information if you would no longer like to be contacted by such customer using our service, or if you wish to obtain details of how such information will be used and protected, and details of how to access or correct the information.

2. How we use your information

We use the information we collect about you to provide the Services to you. As part of that purpose, we may use your Personally Identifiable Information and Non-personally Identifiable Information:

  • to create and maintain your Platform account, to control access to it and otherwise to provide the Services;
  • to respond to any requests you may submit for support or sales information, or similar communications;
  • to communicate with you about the Services and other interactions (for example in response to customer service inquiries, through newsletters, announcements, promotional information or special offers);
  • to help promote compliance with any agreements between us, including to carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any such agreements;
  • to improve our Services and the Site;
  • to comply with Service Offering obligations as well as in any other way we describe when you provide information; and
  • to combat fraud, crime and as otherwise required or permitted by law; and for any other purpose with your consent.

We may use your Non-personally Identifiable Information to enhance the Services, for instance through web analytics or troubleshooting. We may also use aggregated or depersonalized information to promote and market our Services, such as by citing usage statistics.

We may also use your information in the ways described above through a third-party contractor rather than in-house. If we do, we’ll require our contractors to protect your data on terms at least as strict as those in this policy.

3. Third parties

Except for the limited circumstances described in this policy, we do not provide your information to third parties.

We may share Non-personally Identifiable Information without restriction. We may share your Personally Identifiable Information as described in this Privacy Policy and with our service providers and suppliers to the extent necessary to deliver Services you requested, respond to your requests for information on Services, for marketing, promotional, and advertising purposes, or to otherwise support your business needs. If you opt out of sharing your information with these third-party service providers for these purposes, we may be unable to provide the Services or support you requested.

We host the Site using third parties, including Amazon Web Services (the “Hosting Providers”). For this reason, we may provide the information we collect to Hosting Providers, and the Hosting Providers will serve it from its data centers throughout the United States.

We may allow third parties (such as Salesforce, Hubspot, Zendesk, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services) who provide services that allow us to support our customers to store your information.

We may use third-party services either embedded into our Site (such as Hubspot, Salesloft, Discourse, and Google Analytics) or outside of it (such as GitHub, Facebook, and Twitter) to provide the Services, to communicate with you, and to enhance the function of the Services. While we provide these third parties with no more information than is necessary to enable their use and to provide the Services, any information that you provide these services independently is subject to their respective privacy policies and practices. We may in the future add additional third-party services or stop using some that we currently use, and we may not update this policy to reflect these changes.

We may use a third party to process payments, and therefore provide them with the Personally Identifiable Information required to charge your credit card.

To assist us with the uses described in this Privacy Policy, information we or our service providers have collected from or about you through the Services, including about your use thereof, may be combined with or enhanced by other information from or about you that we have obtained from other online or offline sources, including from our service providers or business partners.

Finally, we may be required by law or court order to provide Personally Identifiable Information or Non-personally Identifiable Information to government authorities or private parties. We fully cooperate with law enforcement agencies in identifying those who use the Services for illegal activities, and we may report to law enforcement any activities that we believe in good faith are unlawful.

4. Your choices

You may opt out from any future communications from us (and/or our partners) by emailing us at We will honor your opt-out within 30 days or the legally required timeframe, whichever is shorter. If you would like us to cease all of the described uses of your Personally Identifiable Information, you may email us at We will delete your Personally Identifiable Information from our records, and we will make no further use of it. We may, however, retain copies of your Personally Identifiable Information in backups.

You may request a copy of any or all of your Personally Identifiable Information in our possession, and we will honor your request within the legally required timeframes. (If we must incur expenses to comply with your request, we may charge you a reasonable fee to cover these expenses if permitted by law.) If you believe any of the Personally Identifiable Information we have collected from you is inaccurate, you can email with a request to update this information. We will honor your request within the legally required timeframe.

We will retain your personal information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you the Services. If you wish to cancel your account, or request that we no longer use your personal information to provide you the Services, contact us via the applicable methods provided below. Even after we cancel your account or cease using your personal information to provide you the Services, we may still retain, use, and disclose your information as necessary to comply with our legal, regulatory, ethical, or document retention obligations, and any request to delete your Personally Identifiable Information is subject to these obligations and restrictions.

We will retain personal data we process on behalf of our customers for as long as needed to provide services to our customers at their instruction. We may also retain this personal information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

5. Security

We recognize how important your information is to you, so we maintain safeguards to protect it. While we cannot guarantee that these measures will prevent every hacking attempt, we will notify you as required by law if we discover that the security of any of your Personally Identifiable Information has been materially breached.

Remember, though, that some parts of the Services are public. If you voluntarily provide Personally Identifiable Information in our blog or another public area of the Site, unrelated parties online will be able to view it and collect it. If you don’t want to make this information publicly available, you shouldn’t post it.

6. Standards

We are committed to following applicable laws that protect your privacy. In particular, we follow California’s privacy rules for online service providers.

7. Modification

We may need to modify this policy to address new issues or changes to our policies. Any changes we make will take effect as of the effective date indicated above. If you object to the changes, email us at to delete your information from our records, and we will do so. Your continued use of the Services after the new effective date will constitute your acceptance of the changed policy.

8. Miscellaneous

The Services are only intended for adults, and use by children under thirteen years old is forbidden. We will never intentionally collect Personally Identifiable Information from children under thirteen years old.

If we elect to transfer ownership or control of the Services, whether in whole or in part, to a third party (for instance through a merger or sale), that third party will take over this policy and abide by its terms. We may notify you of any such transfer, but we won’t require your consent to transfer this policy or your information to such a third party.

9. Contact

If you have questions about this policy, or if you’re concerned that we are using your information improperly, please contact us by mail or email:

Gravitational, Inc.
Attn: Privacy Officer
340 S Lemon Ave #8219
Walnut, CA 91789