Navigating Access Challenges in Kubernetes-Based Infrastructure
Sep 19
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Tech Paper

Reducing Breaches and Building Resiliency in Healthcare IT Operations

Reducing Breaches and Building Resiliency in Healthcare IT Operations

This whitepaper explores the challenges and risks faced by healthcare operators and digital health technology companies and provides practical solutions to overcome the most pressing obstacles associated with reducing breaches and improving resiliency in IT operations.

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How to Keep an Identity Attack from Compromising your Infrastructure

How to Keep an Identity Attack from Compromising your Infrastructure

Attackers are not hacking in, they’re logging in. To mitigate the risks that come with passwords, organizations need to adopt a passwordless authentication method paired with an Infrastructure Defense-in-Depth (IDiD) approach to security. With these additional security measures in place, an IdP breach can be prevented from causing further compromise in your downstream systems and data. In this webinar, learn how you can implement IDiD without negatively impacting your organization's productivity.

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Tech Paper

Return on Investment Analysis for Teleport

Return on Investment Analysis for Teleport

This TAG Infosphere report provides a high-level summary of the qualitative and quantitative return on investment (ROI) for the commercial Teleport secure access platform.

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Teleport 16: Advancing Infrastructure Defense-in-Depth with Device Trust, MFA, and VNet

Teleport 16: Advancing Infrastructure Defense-in-Depth with Device Trust, MFA, and VNet

Join us for an in-depth look at the latest release of Teleport. Teleport 16 introduces several powerful new features that further advance its capabilities in defending against identity provider compromise. In this webinar, we will explore how Teleport 16 enhances security and simplifies secure infrastructure access.

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Tech Paper

Accelerate FedRAMP Authorization with Teleport

Accelerate FedRAMP Authorization with Teleport

Accelerate your journey to FedRAMP compliance with Teleport. Learn how our robust access control platform simplifies compliance, enhances security, and reduces time-to-market, enabling your organization to secure federal contracts.

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From SIEM to Detection as Code

From SIEM to Detection as Code

This episode of the Access Control Podcast explores the shift from traditional SIEMs to detection-as-code with Jack Naglieri, founder of Panther and host of the Detection at Scale podcast. The discussion delves into the benefits of detection-as-code and the importance of intentionality in threat detection and response.

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Hardening Infrastructure Security Against SSO Identity Provider Compromise

Hardening Infrastructure Security Against SSO Identity Provider Compromise

In an era where Identity Providers (IdPs) have become prime targets for cyber attackers, relying solely on single sign-on (SSO) authentication can leave organizations vulnerable to various sophisticated threats such as social engineering, credential stuffing, and session hijacking. Join us for an in-depth webinar to explore how Teleport is redefining infrastructure security strategies that protect infrastructure even in the event of identity provider compromise.

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Tech Paper

Defending against Identity Provider (IdP) Compromise

Defending against Identity Provider (IdP) Compromise

Recent incidents have underscored the escalating threats to identity ecosystems, endangering the security of businesses and individuals alike. This paper presents Infrastructure Defense in Depth, a robust security strategy utilizing Teleport to safeguard critical systems and data against compromised identity provider scenarios.

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Simplifying FedRAMP Compliance with Teleport

Simplifying FedRAMP Compliance with Teleport

FedRAMP compliance is notoriously challenging, but it doesn't have to derail your DevOps flow or tech stack. Discover how Teleport’s robust infrastructure access and security platform addresses some of the toughest questions and hurdles in the FedRAMP process, empowering engineering, compliance, and security leaders to implement and enforce security controls seamlessly.

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